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How the Internet of Things (IoT) is Shaping the World of Small Business

It seems with every passing month the technology world offers another intelligent device that is a game changer for an industry. Many of the devices making the news these days are in the realm of personal devices, such as the plethora...

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5 Social Selling Hacks Which Will Help You Drive Sales and Grow Your Small Business

Promoting your business and products on social media sites means more than posting a few blogs with links to your website—it means having a comprehensive strategy.  An effective social strategy will enable you to create a bond with prospective customers based on empathy and...

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3 Unique Security Concerns for Your E-Commerce Pages

Small businesses have a lot of risks. If your small business has an e-commerce website, it’s imperative you or your web firm performs adequate security on the website.  Here are three considerations to keep in mind when building up or maintaining...

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The Pros and Cons of Small Businesses Using Virtual Machines

Last month, we discussed when a small business may want to use a virtual machine.  Now, with nearly everything we do becoming virtual these days, it's not surprising that PCs are jumping on that bandwagon. Virtual PCs aren't a totally new...

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Marketing Tips for Small Businesses: More of Your Best Customers

One way to generate more revenue in your small business is to acquire more of your best customers.  Rather than continuing broad marketing activities that are not providing quality results, analyze who your best customers and tailor your future marketing efforts...

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FAQ: When Would a Small Business Want to Use a Virtual Machine?

In order to understand when a small business might want to use a virtual machine, it helps to define what is a virtual machine.  A virtual machine is a program that runs on your current operating system that provides a virtual...

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SEO FAQ: Do Customer Reviews Affect Search Engine Rankings?

Quite simply: Yes.  Customer reviews can and do affect your small business’s search engine rankings, especially for businesses that sell their service or product locally.  Many users routinely perform searches on local small businesses. One of the best ways for a search...

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3 Signs You Should Invest in Online Advertising Now

Online advertising is constantly transforming. It started as text-based ads with hyperlinks, then became static, clickable images. Soon it evolved to videos, recommendations from trusted content creators, and reviews. The full range of what online advertising means is growing every day,...

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Incorporate These Dynamic Facebook Features to Better Engage Your Social Media Audience

Social media sites commonly make small tweaks and adjustments to their interfaces in an attempt to find the best ways to keep users engaged and scrolling. While these changes are usually geared towards revamping the user experience, these features can also...

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FAQ: When is My Small Business Website Ready for Online Advertising?

Making the choice to advertise online is a big one. You need to decide your budget, look for the right ad platforms, hone in on your targeted audience, and create effective campaigns that will get you the results you want. You...

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Consistent IT Updates - Crucial for Your Small Business

It is becoming increasingly rare to find a business, even a small business, that does not rely quite heavily on some form of technology to play an essential role in their everyday business operations.  Yet, when it comes to the safety...

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How to Use Google's Keyword Planner to Plan Your Website Content

You can drive traffic to your site with good content. No matter what business you're in, every article, brief post, and description on your website gives search engines more information about your business and gives potential customers a reason to keep exploring...

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How to Get the Most Out of Text on Social Media

Social media pages are evolving to be a continuous, scrollable presentation of content. They're designed to always offer users something new to look at, so they pull from more and more sources to fill users' homepages and timelines. While that means...

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5 Marketing Tips for Small Businesses to Launch Your Business with Impact

You have done the research, chosen your niche and have the capital to get started. You are passionate about your work and excited to get started launching your business. For a last check, walk through these five marketing tips for small...

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Increase Your Marketing Audience with a Vehicle Sign

Marketing is about getting attention, but if audiences expect a banner ad or a commercial clip, they may easily ignore it if there are other things to watch. That means providing interesting content when there's little competition is a good way...

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Video Marketing Part 5: How to Use YouTube as a Marketing Tool for Your Business

Did you know every minute there are 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube? Because of all the “clutter,” videos advertising products and services often have an uphill battle to cut through the noise.  With a few additional steps, you can...

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4 Critical Content Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Content marketing offers tremendous opportunities for getting your message in front of potential customers.  However, when done poorly or inadequately, content marketing can result in nothing more than wasted time. Here are four common mistakes that can torpedo a small business'...

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Video Marketing Part 4: How to Get Facebook Video Views

In the third part of our video marketing series, we mentioned the idea of educational videos. Edutainment has always been a big hit in the visual media world. People love watching how to make or do something, even if they have...

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3 Ways to Effectively Keep Visitors on Your Website

Your company’s website is one of your best marketing engines.  It doesn’t sleep, require vacation, call-in sick, and it works 24x7. Some of the most effective ways to keep visitors on your site are universally known: have good content, solve your...

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Video Marketing Part 3: Capturing and Retaining Your Video Audience on Social Media

As we discussed in Part 2 of this series, hooking your audience’s attention is vital to the success of your video marketing efforts. However, to grab that attention, your small business must create the right videos tailored for the right platforms....

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Three Reasons Why Should You Invest in Technology for Your Small Business

Small businesses are built on a foundation of information. Whether it's your list of clients, your expertise, or how your software or online tools help businesses go about their business, the collection and careful use of that information is critical. Even...

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